Things tagged 'shareduse'

limited to the area of King's Lynn and West Norfolk Bike Users Group:

2 issues found for 'shareduse':

  • Lynnsport Northern Access Road NCN1/EV12/NSCR

    Created by MJR // 4 threads

    The Sandringham Railway Path is the main cycle route from Lynn town centre to the north, as well as part of National Route 1, EuroVelo route 12 and the North Sea Cycle Route. The councils tried to sneak a bit to the Local Pinch Point Fund to turn part of the cycleway into a fast 30mph drag strip of a road, open to all traffic, to serve the sports centre(!!) and some new housing developments to be built on scrub, sports fields and allotments. As far as we can ascertain, this was the only section of the National Cycle Network under threat from such downgrading. To proceed with that scheme would set a precedent which could have national implications. At the time of reporting this issue, it's now only one option of three possibilities.

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  • King's Lynn Transport Interchange

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    Some of (the last of?) the s106 money from two out-of-town big box supermarkets is being used to remodel the connections between the bus and rail stations. National Route 1 runs through this area and the bus station may also be Lynn's biggest cycle park, so there's quite a lot of potential for this to do good - or to do harm.

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9 threads found for 'shareduse':

No planning applications found for 'shareduse'.

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